Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy


The website accessible at www.insideoutbeauty.com.au and its related Courses, Course Content, services, products, websites, tools and applications (“Website”) is owned and operated by AE Pike Pty Ltd ACN 52 616 207 062  (“IOB“).


Before using the Website, you must read these Course Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) and all other policies.  If you don’t agree to be bound by these Terms, you must not use the Website. These Terms may be updated by us from time to time, and the updated Terms will apply from the date they are published on the Website. Each time you use our Website you should revisit these Terms.

 All of our other policies are available on the Website. By using the Website, you agree to be automatically bound by these Terms and our Privacy Policy. Prior to using the Website, you must carefully read and understand these Terms. 




In these Terms unless inconsistent with the context or subject matter:

  • “Account” means a User’s online account to use our Services; 
  • “Applicable Laws” means any applicable laws (including orders, by-laws and regulations) in the jurisdiction in which you and any User you are interacting with are located;
  • “Confidential Information” of a party means all information (in any form) relating to or arising from the Services and Course Content that concerns our business operations in which any reasonable person would consider to be of a confidential nature (such as trade secrets, methods, strategies, client lists, pricing, and other business processes), including the Intellectual Property.

Confidential Information does not include information that is or becomes independently developed or known by you through no breach of these Terms by you; or becomes publicly available without breach of these Terms.

  • “Course” means the courses we supply as described on the Website.
  • “Course Content” means all materials made available to you in connection with any Course, including any workbooks, Videos, including all Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in such materials.
  • “Intellectual Property” means Intellectual Property Rights, including patents, copyright, trademarks, any right to have Confidential Information kept confidential and any application or right to apply for registration of any of these rights, and includes the following: the Course Content, the Website, and any other material relating to the Services or otherwise provided by Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike to you.
  • “Intellectual Property Rights” means all present and future rights conferred by law in or in relation to copyright, trademarks, designs, patents, nutritional information, diet plans, business and domain names, inventions and confidential information, and other results of intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields whether or not registrable, registered or patentable.

These rights include without limitation:

  • all rights in all applications to register those rights, all renewals and extensions of those rights; and all rights in the nature of those rights, such as moral rights;
  • “Loss” means any loss, liability, cost, charge, expense, tax or damage of any nature whatsoever, including lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss of production and any other special, incidental, exemplary, compensatory or consequential damages, losses or expenses (howsoever arising or caused, including, without limitation, negligence)
  • “our”, “us”, “IOB” and “we” means Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike
  • “Services” means any services we provide to you, including the Website, and the supply of Courses
  • “User” means any person who uses the Website
  • “you” and “your” means a User.



In these Terms, unless inconsistent with the context or subject matter:

  1. a reference to a person includes any other legal entity and vice versa;
  2. words importing the singular number include the plural number and vice versa;
  3. a reference to a party includes the party’s heirs, executors, successors and permitted assigns;
  4. headings are for reference purposes only;
  5. where any word or phrase is given a defined meaning any other part of speech or other grammatical form concerning the word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
  6. references to writing include any mode of representing or reproducing words in tangible and permanently visible form, and includes e-mail;
  7. unless otherwise stated, a reference to a monetary amount is a reference to an Australian dollar currency amount;
  8. an obligation of two or more parties binds them jointly and each of them severally.



This Website is an informative website where you can browse, select and undertake Courses and explore personal growth, health, beauty and wellbeing related content.

Our Services are available only to, and may only be used by, persons who can form legally binding contracts under Applicable Laws. If you do not qualify, do not use our Services.



To access and use the Website, you will need to register with us and set up an Account with your email address and a password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and you are liable for all activities that happen under your Account, even if you do not authorise such activities.


If we enable you to connect to the Website with a third-party service (e.g. Facebook or Google+), you hereby grant us permission to access, store, and use your information from that service as permitted by that service and as may be described in our Privacy Policy. Immediately contact us if you believe your Account has been compromised or misused in any way. If you connect to the Website through a third-party service you acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for setting or resetting any passwords. 



You may place an order for a Course by submitting your order through the Website in accordance with these Terms.

The purchase price for a Course is displayed on the Website at the time you place your order. We reserve the right to change the prices any time before we accept an order.

Any order placed through this site for a Course is an offer by you to purchase a licence to access the particular Course on the terms set out in clause 6, for the price at the time you place an order. Any order placed by you is subject to any limitations shown on the Website.

We reserve the right to accept or reject your order for any reason and at any time, including without limitation if the requested Course is not available, if there is a pricing error or if there is an issue with the Website.

You must make payment for the Course via a method accepted by us. We will charge you and you agree to pay the purchase price and any other fees shown to you on the Website for the Course at the time you place your order, except where otherwise specified.

You authorise us, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to help verify or check your identity or prevent fraud.

Our payment provider may charge you a fee depending on the payment method used by you (for example, payments made by credit card). You agree to pay such payment fees us at the same time as paying our fees, even if such fees are not explicitly disclosed on the Website.

Please note that we may impose or deduct foreign currency processing costs on or from any payments made in currencies other than Australian dollars.

To the extent permitted by law any amount paid to us is non-refundable under any circumstances.

Unless otherwise stated, all fees are inclusive of GST.

To the extent permitted by law, you may not cancel any order placed by you for a Course and all amounts paid to us are non-refundable.



When you purchase a Course from us you are getting from us a licence to access the Course Content in the manner specified by us. You acknowledge that as part of a Course, you will gain access to Course Content. Such access is granted in accordance with the terms of these Terms.  Course content will not be modified by the request of the user.

Subject to you fulfilling your obligations under these Terms, Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicensable nor transferable licence to access and use the Course Content, solely for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of a Course for its intended purpose. This licence will continue until we cease to provide the Website or Course.

We reserve the right to change the content and pricing of Courses at our discretion without notice. We are not obliged to update the Course at any time, or give you access to any updated Course or Course Content.

You must not without the prior written consent of Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike:

  • sub-licence, assign or novate the benefit or burden of the licence granted hereunder in whole or part
  • resell, copy, reproduce, distribute, adapt, alter, modify, translate, publish, share, create derivate works, or publicly display any of the Course Content or Intellectual Property anywhere in the world, without the prior written consent of Inside Out Beauty
  • You must not share your Account details so that others may get access to the Course Content.



The Intellectual Property is owned by Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike and is subject to copyright.

You agree that Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike owns all rights, title and interest (including Intellectual Property Rights) which subsist in or which may be obtained from the Intellectual Property and you undertake not to:

  • take or permit or omit any action which would or might
  • invalidate or put in dispute our title to the Intellectual Property or any part of it
  • oppose any application for registration or invalidate any registration of the Intellectual Property or any part of it
  • support any application to remove or undo our title in the Intellectual Property or any part of it; or
  • assist any other person directly or indirectly in any of the above;
  • use the Intellectual Property in any way which would breach these Terms;
  • use the Intellectual Property for any commercial use; or
  • remove any copyright or other restrictive documentations from the Intellectual Property.



You acknowledge and agree that the use of the Services is at your own risk.

The Services are intended for general education and information purposes only. Nothing on the Website or the Course Content purports to offer business, legal, medical or other professional advice. You should use caution and always seek professional advice before acting on any information that Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike provides.


Nothing on the Website, the Course Content or the Services is a promise or guarantee of results. Any information given (including case studies) is purely based on experience and is for illustrative purposes only.

You acknowledge and agree that Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike, its directors, principals, employees and representatives are not responsible for decisions that you may make based on the Course Content.

You acknowledge and agree that whilst every effort is taken to ensure the Course Content and the Website is accurate, Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike makes no representations and gives no guarantees or warranties about the currency, suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness and/or accuracy of the Course Content and the Website for any purpose.

The Course Content contained on the Website and in any linked or referred to materials or websites is not and should not be construed as medical or health advice. The Course Content is provided as a convenience to you and is to be taken as general information only.

This Website is not intended to establish a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist-patient relationship between us and you, nor is it intended to replace the services of a health care professional. The Website is not a clinical tool and should not be relied on as a substitute for any professional medical or health advice, diagnosis or treatment. We cannot and will not, assume the role of your doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist or other health professional.  If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from an appropriately qualified medical practitioner.

Information contained in the Website should not be relied upon (including Course Content) in making medical, health-related or any other decisions of any kind.  You should always speak with your doctor or other healthcare professional before adopting any treatment for a health problem or before using any of our Courses or relying on any information on the Website.

You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for following, or not following, or making an assessment of any of the advice and/or using any Courses that we provide or recommend via the Website and that Awake Academy is not responsible for any Loss that you may suffer as a result of use of the Website, or Services.

This disclaimer applies to the fullest extent permitted by law and shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms or your use of this Website.



Subject to the other terms of this clause, we exclude all rights, representations, guarantees, conditions, warranties, undertakings, remedies or other terms in relation to the Services that are not expressly set out in these Terms to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Subject to the other terms of this clause, our maximum aggregate liability to you for any Loss or damage or injury arising out of or in connection with these Terms, including any breach by us of these Terms however arising, under any indemnity, in tort (including negligence), under any statute, custom, law or on any other basis, is limited to the actual amounts paid by you to us under these Terms in the one-month period preceding the matter or event giving rise to the claim.


Nothing in these Terms is intended to have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying the application of all or any of the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law, or the exercise of a right conferred by such a provision, or any liability of ours in relation to a failure to comply with a guarantee that applies under Division 1 of Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law to a supply of services, to the extent that the Australian Consumer Law applies to the Services.

If we are liable to you in relation to a failure to comply with a guarantee that applies under Division 1 of Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law that cannot be excluded, our total liability to you for that failure is limited to, at our option the resupply of the Services or the cost of resupply.

Without limitation to the other terms of this clause, we exclude any liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any special, indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with these Terms.

Notwithstanding anything else in this clause, our liability will be reduced to the extent the loss or damage is caused by or contributed to by you.

Where you are or may be entitled to recover from a third party any sum in respect of any matter or event that could give rise to a claim under these Terms, you must:

  • use your best endeavours to recover that sum before making the claim
  • keep us at all times fully and promptly informed of the conduct of such recovery; and
  • reduce the amount of the claim to the extent that sums are recovered.



You agree to indemnify us against, and hold us harmless from, any Losses (including any direct, indirect, special or consequential Losses) and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional costs and expenses suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with:

  1. your breach of these Terms or any policy or the terms and policies they incorporate by reference;
  2. any claim made against us by a third party arising out of your use of the Services;
  3. your violation of any law or the rights of a third party, or otherwise arising directly or indirectly from your use of our Services.

You must make payments under this clause:

  1. in full without set-off or counterclaim, and without any deduction in respect of taxes unless prohibited by law; and
  2. in the currency in which the payment is due, and otherwise in Australian dollars, in immediately available funds.

It is not necessary for us to incur expense or make payment before enforcing a right of indemnity under this clause.

The indemnities in this clause:

  1. are continuing obligations of yours, independent from your other obligations under these Terms and survive termination or expiry of these Terms; and
  2. are absolute and unconditional and unaffected by anything which otherwise might have the effect of prejudicing, releasing, discharging or affecting your liability.



Confidentiality obligations

  1. Other than where:
  • use of the Confidential Information is required for the purpose of complying with a party’s obligations under these Terms;
  • the Confidential Information is in the public domain, except as a consequence of a breach of this clause;
  • expressly agreed by all parties in writing; or
  • required by law;

you must at all times:

  • treat and keep the Confidential Information confidential;
  • not use, or allow the use, of the Confidential Information by any third party; and
  • not disclose or allow the disclosure, of the Confidential Information or the fact of the disclosure of the Confidential Information to any third party. This includes information, methods or material delivered as part of the Services, or any information concerning the nature of the Services.


  1. Without limiting the generality of clause 10.1(a), you must:
  • only use the Confidential Information in accordance with the instructions provided by Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike in writing;
  • not reproduce or record or make any notes of any Confidential Information except as permitted;
  • not develop any product or service (including a course) based on the Confidential Information;
  • not allow or assist any other person to disclose, use, publish or release the Confidential Information;
  • put in place and maintain adequate security measures to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information being no less stringent than a reasonable person in your position would use with respect to its own confidential information including:
    • taking reasonable steps to keep the Confidential Information within your possession, power, custody and control;
    • taking reasonable steps to ensure the proper and secure storage of the Confidential Information; and
    • taking reasonable steps to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorised access, disclosure or use, or loss, damage or destruction;
    • not copy, duplicate or adapt any or all of the Confidential Information or create other works from the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike; and
    • not use or disclose to a third party any aspect of the Confidential Information for any purpose whatsoever.


  1. Notifying Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike 

You must immediately notify Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike if:

  • you become aware of any breach or anticipated breach of the obligations in these Terms; and
  • you are lawfully obliged to disclose any Confidential Information to a third party and must comply with our lawful directions in relation to the disclosure.



We take all reasonable steps, however we do not guarantee the security of the Website, our records, or your information. We disclaim all liability for any computer virus or technological problems that are beyond our control.

Continuous accessibility to the Website and Course Content is dependent upon third party services and as a result, the Website may be inaccessible from time to time. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to our Website and to the extent permitted by law, we do not give any promises or warranties about the availability of our Services, or that the Services will be provided uninterrupted, delay-free or error-free.



12.1 Please be aware that any testimonials on the Site may not reflect the results that you may achieve. Results may vary and your experience may not be similar to the experience of the user testimonials.



If you submit a review or other material to us, or if you tag us in any of your own material (including any social media post on your personal account) you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate and create derivative works from, distribute and display such content through the world in any media.

You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all the rights to that material and that at the date of submissions:

  • the material is accurate; and
  • the material does not breach any Applicable Laws.



These Terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales, and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales and relevant federal/Commonwealth courts competent to hear appears from them.

If a clause of these Terms are void or unenforceable it must be read down to the extent necessary to give it legal effect or severed from if it cannot be read down and the remaining part and provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

You agree that these Terms and all incorporated agreements may be assigned by us in its sole discretion without notice. You may not assign these Terms without obtaining our prior written consent.

These Terms shall be for the benefit of and binding upon the parties and their heirs, executors, successors and permitted assigns.

Our failure to enforce a provision of these Terms or act with respect to a breach by you or others does not constitute a waiver of that provision or breach or a waiver of our right to act with respect to that breach or subsequent or similar breaches. The waiver of any such provision or breach will be effective only if in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike.

You agree that these Terms may not be construed adversely against us solely because we prepared them.

These Terms and our policies comprise the entire understanding and agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof.

Nothing in these Terms or your use of the Website establishes or creates a joint venture, partnership, consortium, franchise, employment or agency relationship between Inside Out Beauty and Users.



If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us by email [email protected]


This website and all content, trade marks and its related services, products, websites, tools and applications (Website) is owned and operated by AE Pike Pty Ltd ACN 616 207 062 (our, us, we, IOB). By accessing and using our Website you agree to comply with the following terms of use (Terms of Use). We may update our Terms of Use from time to time without notice to you. Each time you use our Website you should revisit these Terms of Use and your continued use of the Website constitutes your acceptance of them.


Unless the context requires otherwise, the following words and phrases in these Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:

  • Website means www.insideoutbeauty.com.au including all content, trade marks, and related services, products, websites, tools and applications
  • you mean’s the person or entity that accesses the Website and your has a corresponding meaning.



We provide our Website to facilitate the supply of courses, to help us connect with you and to provide general information and relevant content that you may be interested in. You must not use the Website for any purpose other than its intended purpose, and you must not harm our Website in any way. When using the Website you must not act fraudulently, or provide us with false, inaccurate, infringing or misleading information. Parts of our Website and Community Page may allow you to comment or submit your content, and in doing so you must not post anything that is inflammatory, racist, abusive, harassing, obscene, sexually explicit or that violates any Australian law or the rights of any person.

In the event that you use our Website to place an order for a course our Course Terms and Conditions will also apply to you.

Content on our Website is provided solely for your reference purposes. We include information for your convenience as a general summary of matters current at the time of posting that may interest you. The contents do not constitute medical and/or financial and/or legal professional advice and are not intended to be a substitute for medical and/or professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. We make no warranties that the information published by us is correct. You should seek professional advice in relation to any matters that you have.

The information you provide to us and your use of the Website and any personal data must not:

  • create liability for IOB
  • infringe any third party’s privacy rights
  • infringe any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy
  • violate any applicable laws (including those governing privacy, consumer protection, unfair competition, criminal law, antidiscrimination or trade practices law)
  • be defamatory, trade libellous, unlawfully discriminatory, threatening or harassing.

Your use of this Website is by personal, non-exclusive licence granted by us strictly in accordance with these Terms of Use. This Website is only available to, and may only be used by, persons who can form legally binding contracts under applicable laws. If you do not qualify, you must not use the Website.



We remain the owner of the Website and all intellectual property rights associated with the Website (including its content, videos, logos, images and source code). We ask that you do not copy, reproduce or modify any of our Website for any purpose except where we give you our prior written consent or sharing is otherwise permitted (as noted below).

When you provide us with information you agree to allow us to distribute or use that information as we consider necessary and in accordance with our Privacy Policy accessible on the Website.

We are not responsible for any loss that may occur from you submitting your information to us.



We may require you to set up an account with a username and password to gain access to parts of the Website. If we do, you will be responsible for keeping the combination of these details confidential and any actions that occur through your account (whether directly or indirectly) you are responsible for.

If we permit you to connect to the Website using a third-party service (e.g. Facebook or Google+), you grant us permission to access, store, and use the information from that service as permitted by that service.



We reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable your access to the Website or any part of it, including your Account, for any reason and you agree that we are not liable for any loss suffered by you or any third party as a result of the removal or disablement of the Website.

These Terms of Use will continue to apply until terminated or superseded by us. You can terminate your agreement with us by discontinuing your use of the Website at any time. You do not need to inform us if you choose to discontinue use of the Website.



We may make content available for you to share on the Website. Where such content is made available, you must ensure that such sharing is properly credited to us including a link back to us, and comply with any other instructions we may specify. Your licence to share such content is by revocable and limited right. Where you share our content, you do so at your own risk. We will not be liable in any respects for any content that you share.



Our Website may contain links to or from other third-party websites which we have no control over. We are not responsible for the content or use of these other websites (including any virus, or disturbing or harmful content) and you access them at your own risk.



Although our content has been drafted with due care and diligence, our Website and our content is provided “as is” and we make no representations and give no warranties or guarantees as to the suitability, accuracy or quality of the Website. We do not guarantee that the Website will be free from errors or defects, or that the Website will be accessible at all times.

Your use of the Website is at your own risk and to the extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability of any kind, however arising, including any lost profit, lost opportunity, lost revenue, lost data, losses resulting from security failure, or any indirect or consequential loss resulting from your use of the Website. Our total liability is limited to the cost of re-supply of the relevant services (being the provision of the Website to you), or refunding the amount paid by you to us in connection with the services (if any).

You agree to indemnify and release us and our related entities from and against all losses (as before mentioned) which we may incur in respect of any negligence, misuse of the Website, other act or omission, or any breach of these Terms of Use by you.



In order to use the Website, you need to connect to the internet and you are solely responsible for your connection and all fees associated with such connection/access.

You are solely responsible for any information that you transmit to us. Whilst we use our best endeavours to maintain the security of the Website to Australian standards (including the use of SSL), we do not guarantee the security of the Website, our records, or any information you submit to us. We disclaim all liability for any computer virus or technological problems or other loss that you may suffer as a result of the browsing or downloading of any files from our Website, or from any data breach, compromise or misuse of your data that is provided to us in connection with the Website.



By using this Website you acknowledge and agree that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure and understand that any message or information you send to the Website may be read or intercepted by others. You authorise us to use, store or otherwise process any information including personal information which relates to and/or identifies you, to the extent reasonably necessary for the provision of any goods and services requested by you, and for any other purposes we consider reasonable. Such use will be compliant with the terms of our Privacy Policy (accessible on the Website).



Where we use social media pages or groups run by us, such pages will only be used to advertise our products and services and to facilitate community interaction. Such terms found herein as they relate to providing information will apply to your use of our social media pages or groups.




Protecting your privacy: Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike, AE Pike Pty Ltd ABN 52 616 207 062 (“us, we, our” or “IOB”) are committed to protecting the information about you that we collect, store and use when you provide it to us at our web and mobile sites: www.insideoutbeauty.com.au and  https://app.kajabi.com/. We manage your information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). This document describes how we manage any personal information we have collected about you from the Website and through the process of signing up to our course.

By accessing the Website you accept the terms and conditions of its use, and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy and the terms and conditions of use of the Website.

If you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, or believe that your privacy has been breached, please contact us at [email protected] and provide details of the incident so that we can investigate it. We request that all complaints be made in writing, so that we can be sure about the details of the complaint. We will treat your complaint confidentially, investigate your complaint and aim to ensure that we contact you and your complaint is resolved within a reasonable time (and in any event within the time required by the Privacy Act, if applicable).




Registration process

When you register to become a member of the Website, or when you register your interest to sign up in the future, you will be asked to complete an online form to submit different information about you to us. Such information may include:

  1. your name
  2. your contact details such as your telephone number, physical address and email address
  3. your date of birth
  4. information that allows us to process your payment to us, such as bank account details and credit card information
  5. a brief biography about yourself such as your hobbies, interests, occupation and relationship status 
  6. links to any websites, social media sites or blogs that you maintain.

If you do not provide us with the necessary information, you may not be able to complete the registration and receive the information from us.

Purchases made on our online store

If you make purchases on our online store, then you will be asked to complete an online form as part of the purchase. We may collect information such as:

  1. your name
  2. your contact details such as your telephone number and email address
  3. information that allows us to process your payment to us, such as bank account details and credit card information
  4. your delivery address.

User submitted content

The Website and community page allows you to post and submit content, including photographs and images, height, weight, marital status, age, fitness levels and nutrition details. You do not need to post or submit any content, however, if you do, we collect the information that you submit.

We also collect any other information you provide to us (whether orally, by mail or email or online).


Our Service is not offered to persons under the age of 18 or who cannot form a legally binding contract under Applicable Law.  We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from such visitors to the site. If you become aware that a child has provided us with information please contact us.  Any information that is in breach of this provision will be deleted.


We collect, hold and use your personal information for a number of purposes, as outlined below: 

  • Providing services to you and operating the Website

In general, we use the information that we collect to:

  • assist us in providing goods and services to you
  • contact you or respond to your queries
  • display, update and maintain the content of the Website
  • tailor your experience of the Website and our communications to you
  • send information about future events, regular email communications or newsletters (both electronic and hardcopy) outlining news, services or events.

General uses

We may also use the information that we collect from you:

  • to advertise our services and the Website. However, we will seek your consent before we use your photograph publicly for this purpose
  • for our internal administrative, marketing and planning requirements
  • to compile and report statistics, with all the relevant personal and/or proprietary information de-identified prior to the completion of such statistics
  • for purposes that are expressly permitted under any agreement with you.


We do not disclose contact information about you publicly or to other third parties by us unless it is authorised or required by law (or when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us in relation to the Website) or as otherwise outlined in this policy.

We may display personal information about you (including your health information and your profile photograph) on the Website. This is for the purposes of publicly profiling your fitness, displaying the results of competitions, promoting our services and Website and encouraging other members. If you do not wish this to happen, then you must contact us by email [email protected]

We will display your user submitted content as part of the Website/Community page. The Website may include functionalities that allow you to control whether or not the public or other users of the Website are able to view your user submitted content. We will use reasonable endeavours to implement your selection.

From time to time, we will also disclose your personal information (on a confidential basis) to agents and others that we use in the ordinary operation of our business, such as account and billing, shipping and fulfilment, marketing and promotion, user experience research and surveys, website hosting and support and maintenance. We will only disclose your information to the extent required for the limited purpose of the third party providing services contracted to us so that we may service you.

When you make a purchase through our Website or Course Platform and make payments to us, Stripe (out third-party payment gateway) will collect and host all personal information necessary to complete the transaction, including your name, email, and credit card/debt card information.  Stripe privacy policy can be viewed at http://stripe.com/au/privacy 

If IOB is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your Personal Information or other information may be part of the transferred assets.

While we store the majority of the personal information that we collect from your in Australia, we may from time to time store some of the information in a computer server located in the United States. We will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles.


We publish customer testimonials on our website, in social media profiles, and within advertising creative material. These testimonials may contain personally identifiable information. We obtain your written consent at the time the testimonial is recorded. If you want your testimonial removed please contact us at [email protected].

Manner of collection

We will use reasonable endeavours to only collect information directly from you. If you are disclosing details of another person, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that that person understands and consents to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information in the manner set out in this policy.


Tracking of user experience

We use Google Analytics Advertising products: Remarketing with Google Analytics and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. Google Analytics collects data about our site traffic via Google Advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers. Data collected via these Google products is not linked with any personally identifiable information you submit while on our Website. If you wish to opt out of the Google Analytics data collection, you may do so on Google’s website at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.

As is true of most web sites and mobile applications, we and, in some instances, our third party tracking-utility partners gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data.

We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the Website, to track users’ movements around the Website and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

Technologies such as: cookies, beacons, tags and scripts are used by IOB and our partners (marketing and development partners), affiliates, or analytics or service providers (online customer support provider, email marketing system). These technologies are used in analyzing trends, administering the site, tracking users’ movements around the site and to gather demographic information about our users. We may receive reports based on the use of these technologies by these companies on an individual as well as aggregated basis.

We use cookies for authentication purposes and to tailor the site to user preferences. Users can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level. If you reject cookies, you may still use our site, but your ability to use some features or areas of our site may be limited.


We may partner with a third party ad network to either display advertising on our Website or to manage our advertising on other sites. Our ad network partner may use cookies and Web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information about your activities on the Website and other websites that you may visit to provide you targeted advertising based upon your interests.

Social Media Features

The Website includes Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Website, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.

Community Page

Our Website offers blogs or community forums that may be publicly accessible (or accessible by other users of the Website). You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. To request removal of your personal information from our blog or community forum, contact us at [email protected]. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.


We may use your personal information to provide you with material, promotions and communications from time to time about services and products available to you from us, or from other service providers in partnership with us, or to invite you to continue to use our services. This information will only come from us. We will not on-sell your personal information to other providers without your consent.

You may opt out of receiving promotional materials from us at any time by contacting us at [email protected], or by following the ‘unsubscribe’ link on the relevant promotional emails.


We will take all reasonable steps to protect the information we hold about you from unauthorised access, use and disclosure, however we cannot guarantee that our systems and stored data will be completely free from third party interception or are free from corruption.

Certain parts of the Website (such as those parts that require you to provide us with your credit card number) provides the ability for you to transmit information to our Website in an encrypted form by using secure socket layer technology (SSL). However, other parts of the Website are not protected by any form of encryption to protect information you send from your computer to us over the Internet. Further, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. In light of this, we cannot ensure or warrant, and do not warrant, the security or privacy of your personal information, including payment and account details. You transmit this information at your own risk. If you have any questions regarding security you can contact us at [email protected].

You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your passwords and/or any account information. We will destroy or de-identify your personal information when it is no longer needed or required to be kept by law or to provide services to you. Please note that, as you may continue to have access to your account after your service subscription expires, we will continue to retain your personal information on the Website so that you may access it. You can manually delete your personal information on the Website by accessing your account. We will also preserve the content of any email or information you submit if we believe we have a legal requirement to do so, or if any form of email abuse is suspected.

If you use our Website to link to another site we encourage you to view their terms and conditions of use, privacy policies and security statements before disclosing any of your personal information on those sites.


It is your responsibility to advise us of any changes to your personal details to ensure we can keep our records accurate and up to date. If you wish to access the information we hold about you, please submit a request to [email protected] or by logging into your account and making the appropriate changes. If you believe that the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, you are entitled to request amendment of such information. If we do not agree that there are grounds for amendment, then we will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree with it. You may also request that we delete the personal information that we hold about you. Please note that if we delete your contact information, we may not be able to provide you with the subscribed service.

If you request us not to use personal information in a particular manner or at all, we will adopt reasonable measures to observe your request but we may, to the extent permitted by law, still use or disclose your information if you subsequently consent to the disclosure or we believe the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or as otherwise required or authorised by law. If you know the information we hold about you is not accurate or complete, please notify us. We will respond to requests for access within 30 days.

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


If you have any concerns about how we handle your personal information or require further information, please contact the Privacy Representative [email protected]. Also use this contact if you no longer consent to receiving marketing material from us, or to the posting of your personal information on the Website.

This document represents our policy as at 12 December, 2022. We may change this document from time to time to reflect changes to our practices. If we make any material changes it will be up to the user to be check and be aware of any changes to the Policy.. Continued use of the Website or Services shall indicate your acknowledgement that it is your responsibility to review the Privacy Policy periodically.  Although we intend to observe this policy at all times, it is not legally binding on us in any way. From time to time we may regard it as necessary or desirable to act outside the policy. We may do so, subject only to any statutory rights you have under the Privacy Act or other applicable legislation. We encourage you to regularly review this statement to inform yourself of any amendments.

Contact Us

Inside Out Beauty Alex Pike, AE Pike Pty Ltd.

572 Kiewa St Albury NSW 2640 (ABN: 52 616 207 062)

[email protected]